01803 214175

What's on

Do join us for activities taking place this week...
You are very welcome!

For more information please contact the office on 01803 214175

Mon 23 Sept 9am Morning Prayer on zoom
Tues 24 Sept 9am Morning Prayer on zoom
9-11.30am Toddlers in the church
12-1.30pm Matt's Knits - knit and natter!
Wed 25 Sept 9am Holy Communion
10am - 12 noon Ukraine Support Group
12-2pm Welcome Space - soup, drinks and chat!
Fri 27 Sept 9.30-11.30am Mummy & Me 
6.30-8pm Youth Group in the Hall

Sun 29 Sept


8am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
9.30am Pet Service!
11am Holy Communion with prayers for healing


















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