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In the heart of Wellswood, St Matthias witnesses to the Wellspring – Jesus – the source of ‘living water’ who invites us into life in all its fullness. We aim to do that first and foremost by being the church, the people Jesus calls us to be – demonstrating His love and care for one another, seeking to love and serve our families, friends, community and networks.
But the church as a building plays an important part of that witness too. Over the last 160 years, it has evolved and adapted to meet the needs of the church and wider community including the Church centre complex which many local clubs, schools and groups currently enjoy.
The Wellspring Project was the next stage of this evolution, making the 19th century church building more suitable for 21st century needs.
Building work commenced in the church in April 2019 after 4 years of planning and was completed in December 2020. You can read about the ‘Project Story’ created by the architect Alex Coppock of ‘Communion Architects’ here:
- Addition of glass doors to the West entrance taking away the ‘closed’ impression and creating a bright, welcoming view into the church
- Removing the pews in order to replace with wooden chairs which would meet the needs of our more informal worship and be a welcome space for use by the community
- Moving the marble font from the back of the church to the front enabling the whole congregation to take part in baptismal services
- Creating a small café and freeing up the back of the church to have a comfortable sofa seating area to accommodate small gatherings and socialising
- A new large piazza area was created leading up to the west doors with two tv screens either side of the west doors advertising upcoming services and events.
We sensed God directing us throughout this whole project and we continue to pray that St. Matthias will remain a ‘beacon of light’ in years to come where many will find Christ as their Saviour.
For more information on the history of the church and centre click here or to download our Vistory Guide and tour of the church click here.
We invite you to come and look around, and enjoy what the building has to offer, to take time to be quiet and listen to God, as well as joining us in prayer. Above all, give thanks to God, who inspired the building of this church, and who, in love, draws close to us day by day.