One of our core values at St Matthias is to be ‘Generous like Jesus’.
We want to do that in every way we can, but that includes God’s challenge to us of giving away a proportion of the money he has given to us.
Even though that’s a tough challenge, especially when times are difficult, God promises to bless us when we trust him enough to give generously.
There so much teaching in the bible about money – 11 of Jesus’ 39 parables talk about money! You can read more about that teaching here
We need a regular income to support the life of the church here for:
• Day to day running of the Church and Church Centre
• Paying the wages of our local clergy – the Church of England no longer gets money from the Church Commissioners or Government for this – it’s up to us.
• Supporting other churches, the local community & charitable organisations
How to Give
1. Our preferred way is the ‘Parish Giving Scheme’ (PGS) – which is a way of giving monthly from your bank account. Details below.
2. You could also set up a Standing Order (but if we can claim Gift Aid on that gift, the PGS scheme makes a whole lot less paperwork for us!)
3. Leave a legacy to St.Matthias in your will
4. Make one-off gifts – there is a Card Reader in the church, or you can simply use this QR code
Bank Details: ‘St Matthias PCC’ 40-52-40 00017933
• All done by phone or email
• Easy to change the amount you give
• The scheme automatically claims the Gift Aid for us each month
• You are given the option of making small rises each year which helps inflation-proof the church’s income
• Phone 0333 002 1271 (cost is the same as calling any landline number)
• St. Matthias’ registration code is: 151502701
For any other questions about Giving to St. Matthias, please contact our treasurer, Margaret Mundy on