As part of the church family at St. Matthias, learning to follow Jesus more closely, we’ve found that getting involved in these four things helps us grow best as Christians.
WORSHIP meeting regularly with others in worship
JOIN joining one of our life groups
SERVE using the gifts God has given you to serve others
GIVE discovering the joy of generous giving
We call them our ‘Marks of Membership’ and together they enable us to live our values of:
We offer a range of styles of worship to help everyone find a place they feel at home in, from more formal to very informal café style worship.
While most services are on a Sunday (see here) there are opportunities midweek too:
9am Wednesday Holy Communion service
Morning Prayer at 9am on Mondays and Tuesdays on zoom
Messy Church runs monthly on a Tuesday afternoon
And if you cannot manage any of these, joining a home group or other life group gives opportunities to pray and worship with other Christians, as the bible so clearly encourages us to do – we’re not making the faith journey on our own!
We encourage everyone to join a ‘Life Group’ who meet together regularly outside of worship services. Since we are quite a large community, its much easier to find friendship and to support one another in a smaller group. Some meet just for food (!) or for discussion, singing, praying or bible study.
Home Groups |
Girls Allowed | St Matt’s Gospel Singers |
Groups meet at a variety of times around the parish. Contact the office for more details or click here | Girls Allowed exists to deepen friendships and to support one another in their faith journeys. They meet monthly for chat, quizzes, craft, walks, food. All women welcome! | A community gospel choir for those who want to have fun with their singing. Fortnightly practices on Wednesdays 7.15-9pm. |
St. Matt’s Knits | ||
A social group seeking to bless others whilst they knit, crochet and natter! They meet weekly on a Tuesday lunchtime from 12-1.30pm. |
There are many ways to get involved at St. Matthias! Whether you are happy in the kitchen or taking part with the music, there will be a place for you to join a team and develop the gifts God has given you – or
discover new ones! It’s a good way to get to know each other too and there is no limit on how many teams you can join.
Some operate to serve the church family, others to serve and be good news to the local community.
If you’re interested in finding out more, please email
Messy Church | Cleaning | Flowers |
Creative worship with lots of craft activities and a hot meal. Meets monthly on a Tuesday beginning at 3.15pm Aimed at children under 11 with parents and carers. | We've got a team of wonderful people who help keep the church clean and tidy for all the things that go on during the week and on Sundays. Newcomers always welcome! | A creative team help decorate the church with flower arrangements through the year. |
Worship teams | Maintenance | Youth Team |
Join the team engaged with running the services - singers, musicians, setting up and clearing away, and the technical side of creating and running the audio-visual equipment. | Looking after a church building is a huge task. We'd love to hear from you if you can help look after it with us. | If you have a passion for young people then please consider joining the team to help them grow as disciples of Jesus. |
Prayer ministry | Welcome Teams | Ukraine Support Group |
The prayer ministry team prays for anyone wanting prayer at our services and events | We would like everyone to have a warm welcome when they come to St Matthias. The welcome team is a group of people dedicated to this task. | Meets every Wednesday from 9.45-11.45 for English language tuition, friendship and support. |
Coffee team | Schools | Welcome Space |
Great places run on great coffee adn we're no exception! Could you help us offer coffee after services by joining this essential ministry? | Are you experienced at working with children and young people? If so, why not think about joining our schools team? | The church is open on Wednesdays from 12-2pm to provide light refreshments, friendship and chat. |
Pastoral Team | Toddlers Group | Preschool |
The pastoral team offer care to the church community by responding to acute pastoral needs. | Meets in the church on Tuesday mornings during term time for mums, dads, grandparents, childminders with children from babies to 4 year olds. | For more information see here |
Eco Action Group | Missions Action Group | Community Larder |
A group focussing on how the church family at St Matthias can help to care for God's earth. | A small group supporting missions at home and abroad with prayer and St Matt's tithe. | As a church we support the Torquay Community Larder with donations of food for the food bank. |
Coffee Box | Street Pastors | Friends of St Matthias |
We meet once a month on a Saturday morning 10am - 12pm to offer free hot drinks and pastries to passers by, along with friendly conversation, in outreach to our local community. | The team of Street Pastors support the nighttime economy in Torquay by offering practical help and support to vulnerable people. |
See here for more information |
To be 'generous like Jesus' and for more information see here