NEWS FLASH! Emerging Generations Team Leader Appointment We are delighted that this post has been filled. Many thanks to everyone who has supported this appointment practically, prayerfully and financially. Helen Baker will be commencing after Easter and she is going to be a valuable addition to our ministry team. We are so looking forward to this next stage in our ministry to children, youth and their families.
We have a growing church family here at St Matthias Church and we welcome people of all ages.
We run a number of groups and activities for children and young people both on Sundays and throughout the week.
- Our 9.30am ‘Explore Together’ services in the Hall run every Sunday and are especially designed for families with children, although EVERYONE is welcome. There is breakfast too on the 1st Sunday of each month! Don’t worry if you’re unsure how you’ll manage with even small children or babies – there’s always a space for young children to play, and there’s easy access to toilets.
- When there is a 5th Sunday in the month, we join the 11am congregation in the church for a ‘Family Service’ – again, with children and families in mind.
- The monthly 'Youth Led Service - a.k.a 'Praise @ 5.30pm’ - begins with a drink and snacks, and is very informal with our young people involved in the planning and leading - a good place to come as a family.
Have a look at the tabs on the left for other midweek events for children and young people.